
Table of Contents

Reviews and Reports
International Conference
Domestic Conference


Kazunari Chiba, Masaki Yasugi, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto,“Multiple aerial imaging by use of infinity mirror and oblique retro-reflector,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59, SOOD08 (2020).

Takahiko Mizuno, Takuya Tsuda, Eiji Hase, Yu Tokizane, Ryo Oe, Hidenori Koresawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeo Minamikawa, and Takeshi Yasui, “Optical image amplification in dual-comb microscopy,” Scientific Reports 10, 8338 (2020).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64927-z

Masatomo Yamagiwa, Takeo Minamikawa, Fui Minamiji, Takahiko Mizuno, Yu Tokizane, Ryo Oe, Hidenori Koresawa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Visualization of internal structure and internal stress in visibly opaque objects using full-field phase-shifting terahertz digital holography,” Optics Express, Vol.27, No.23, pp. 33854-33868 (2019)
DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.033854

Toyotaro Tokimoto, Shintaro Tokimoto, Kengo Fujii, Shogo Morita, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Subjective Super-Resolution Model on Coarse High-Speed LED Display in Combination with Pseudo Fixation Eye Movements,” IEICE Transatcion on Electronics, Vol. E102-C, No.11, pp.780-788 (2019)
DOI: 10.1587/transele.2019DII0003

Shuichi Tominaga, Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projecting a flat plane to a spherical surface by use of a compensation mirror,” Optical Review, Vol.26, No.4, pp.411-421 (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/s10043-019-00517-3

Ryo Oe, Takeo Minamikawa, Shuji Taue, Hidenori Koresawa, Takahiko Mizuno, Masatomo Yamagiwa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, and Takeshi Yasui, “Refractive index sensing with temperature compensation by a multimode-interface fiber-based optical frequency comb sensing cavity,” Optics Express, Vol.27, No.15, pp.21463-21476 (2019)
DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.021463

Hidenori Koresawa, Kyuki Shibuya, Takeo Minamikawa, Akifumi Asahara, Ryo Oe, Takahiko Mizuno, Masatomo Yamagiwa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kaoru Minoshima, and Takeshi Yasui, “Lock-in-detection dual-comb spectroscopy,” OSA Continuum, Vol.2, No.6, pp.1998-2007 (2019)
DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.2.001998

Ryo Oe, Takeo Minamikawa, Shuji Taue, Takuya Nakahara, Hidenori Koresawa, Takahiko Mizuno, Masatomo Yamagiwa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Kaoru Minoshima and Takeshi Yasui, “Improvement of dynamic range and repeatability in a refractive-index-sensing optical comb by combining saturable-absorber-mirror mode-locking with an intracavity multimode interference fiber sensor,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, Number 6, art. 060912 (2019).

Erina Abe, Masaki Yasugi, Hideaki Takeuchi, Eiji Watanabe, Yasuhiro Kamei, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Development of omnidirectional aerial display with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR) for behavioral biology experiments,” Optical Review, Vol. 26, pp. 221–229 (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/s10043-019-00502-w

Takashi Ogura, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yi-Da Hsieh, Takeo Minamikawa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, Kaoru Minoshima, and Takeshi Yasui, “Lens-less fiber coupling of a 1550-nm mode-locked fiber laser light on a low-temperature-grown GaAs photoconductive antenna,” OSA Continuum, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.1310-1317(2019) DOI:10.1364/OSAC.2.001310

Takeo Minamikawa, Takashi Masuoka, Takashi Ogura, Kyuki Shibuya, Ryo Oe, Eiji Hase, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yoshihisa Yamaoka, Takahiko Mizuno, Masatomo Yamagiwa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, Kaoru Minoshima, and Takeshi Yasui,“Ultrasonic wave sensing using an optical-frequency-comb sensing cavity for photoacoustic imaging” OSA Continuum, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 439-449 (2019)
DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.2.000439

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial depth-fused 3D image formed with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” Optical Review, Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp. 179-186 (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/s10043-018-0473-9

Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Shuji Miyamoto, Yoshihiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui,”Application of scan-less two-dimensional confocal microscopy based on a combination of confocal slit with wavelength/space conversion,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.25, No.1 (2018)
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2018.2869615

Masatomo Yamagiwa, Takayuki Ogawa, Takeo Minamikawa, Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Kyosuke Okabe, Noriaki Tsurumachi, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui, “Real-Time Amplitude and Phase Imaging of Optically Opaque Objects by Combining Full-Field Off-Axis Terahertz Digital Holography with Angular Spectrum Reconstruction,” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, pp1-12 (2018)
DOI: 10.1007/s10762-018-0482-6

Norikazu Kawagishi, Kenta Onuki, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparison of Divergence Angle of Retro-Reflections and Sharpness with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR),” IEICE Transactions of Electronics, Vol. E100-C, No.11 (2017)
DOI: 10.1587/transele.E100.C.958

Takeo Minamikawa, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kyuki Shibuya, Eiji Hase, Yoshiki Kaneoka, Sho Okubo, Hajime Inada, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, Takeshi Yasui, “Dual-comb spectroscopic ellipsometry,” Nature Communications8, Article number 610 (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00709-y

Kyuki Shibuya, Takeo Minamikawa, Yasuhiro Mizutani,Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kaoru Minoshima, Takeshi Yasui, Tetsuo Iwata, “Scan-less hyperspectral dual-comb single-pixel imaging in both amplitude and phase,” Optical Express, Vol. 25, No.18, pp. 21947-21957 (2017)
DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.021947

Keitaro Uchida, Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-Functional Aerial Display by Use of Polarization-Processing Display,” OpticalReview, Vol.24, No.1, pp.72-79 (2017).
DOI 10.1007/s10043-016-0285-8

Toyotaro Tokimoto, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “4,320-Hz Display with Pulse-Width Modulation by Use of a Nonlinear Clock,” Journal of Display Technology, 12, Issue: 12, pp. 1581 – 1587 (2016)
DOI: 10.1109/JDT.2016.2635939

Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Enlargement of Continuous Perceived Depth Region in Depth-fused 3-D Display,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.52, No.6, pp.5226-5230 (2016).

安井雅彦,M. Sakti Alvissalim,山本裕紹,石川正俊,”空間映像と高速3Dジェスチャー認識技術の統合による低遅延な立体映像作業環境の実現”,
計測自動制御学会論文集,Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 134-140 (2016).

Takeo Minamikawa, Kenta Hayashi, Tatsuya Mizuguchi, Yi-Da Hsieh, Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Yasuhiro Mizutani,
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tetsuo Iwata, and Takeshi Yasui, “Real-Time Determination of Absolute Frequency in Continuous-Wave Terahertz Radiation
with a Photocarrier Terahertz Frequency Comb Induced by an Unstabilized Femtosecond Laser,”
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (Vol番号なし), 1-13 (January 6th,2016).
DOI 10.1007/s10762-015-0237-6

Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Different aerial image formation into two directions
by crossed-mirror array,” Optical Review, vol. 22, issue 5, pp. 862-867 (2015).
#20150903, DOI:10.1007/s10043-015-0132-3

Takeshi Yasui, Ryuji Ichikawa, Yi-Da Hsieh, Kenta Hayashi, Harsono Cahydi, Francis Hindle, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi,
Tetsuo Iwata, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kaoru Minoshima, and Hajime Inaba, “Adaptive sampling dual terahertz comb spectroscopy
using dual free-running femtosecond lasers,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 10786 (2015).

Takeshi Yasui, Kenta Hayashi, Ryuji Ichikawa, Harsono Cahyadi, Yi-Da Hsieh, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,
Tetsuo Iwata, Hajime Inaba, and Kaoru Minoshima, “Real-time absolute frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation
based on dual terahertz combs of photocarriers with different frequency spacings,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 11367-11377 (2015).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Hayato Nishimura, Tetsuya Abe, and Yoshio Hayasaki, “Large stereoscopic LED
display by use of parallax barrier of aperture grille type (Invited Paper),” Chinese Optics
Letters, Vol. 12, No. 6, 060006 (2014).

像情報メディア学会誌,Vol. 68, No. 10, pp. J460-J463 (2014). [peer-reviewed]

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama, and Shiro Suyama, “Floating aerial LED signage based on aerial
imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” Optics Express, Accepted.

Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Tomoki Soumiya, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama, “Perceived depth change of
depth-fused 3-D display with changing distance between front and rear planes,” IEICE Transactions on
Electronics, Vol. E96-C, No. 11, pp. 1378-1383 (2013).
#Published: November, 2013.DOI:10.1587/transele.E96.C.1378

Yoshio Hayasaki, Maki Nishitani, Hidetomo Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Akihiro Takita, Daichi
Suzuki, and Satoshi Hasegawa, “Experimental investigation of the closest parallel pulses in
holographic femtosecond laser processing,” Applied Physics A, Vol. 107, No. 2, pp. 357-362 (2012).
20120222 publication. DOI 10.1007/s00339-012-6801-1.

Kei Sadakuni, Takuya Inoue, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Perceived Depth Change Produced
by Visual Acuity Difference between the Eyes,” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol. E95-C, no.
11, pp. 1707-1715 (2012).
#Published:November 2012 .DOI: 10.1587/transele.E95.C.1707

H. Yamamoto, T. Kimura, S. Matsumoto, and S. Suyama, “Viewing-Zone Control of Light-Emitting Diode
Panel for Stereoscopic Display and Multiple Viewing Distances,” Journal of Display Technology,
Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 359-366 (2010). 20100805 publication [Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/JDT.2010.2052453] September, 2010

Masaki Yamamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Yoshio Hayasaki, “Photon-couting digital holography under
ultraweak illumination,” Optics Letters, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 1081-1083 (2009). April 1st, 2009

Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masahiro Nitta, Yoshio Hayasaki, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto,
“Adjustment of Depth of Field of Binocular Cameras to Reproducible Depth with Stereoscopic Light-Emitting-Diode
Display,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 9, 09LC01-1 — 09LC01-7 (2009). published online Sep.
24, 2009.

Takanori Imagawa, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Construction of Visual Cryptography by
Use of Polarization-Modulation Films,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 9, 09LC02-1 — 09LC02-5

H. Yamamoto, H. Nishimura, K. Uchida, K. Ono, Y Hayasaki, and S. Suyama, “Depth Perception for
Moving Images Shown on a Large LED Display with an Aperture Grille,” J. Soc. Inf. Display, Vol.
17, No. 12, 1031-1036 (2009). DOI:10.1889/JSID17.12.1031
%Journal of the Society for Information Display, Special Section in Best of IDW’08 (Peer review)
2006年 H. Noto, H. Yamamoto, Y. Hayasaki, S. Muguruma, Y. Nagai, Y. Shimizu, and N. Nishida, “Analysis of
Reproduced 3D Space by Stereoscopic Large LED Display,” IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol. E89-C,
No. 10, pp. 1427-1434 (2006).[Invited paper]

M. Otaka, H. Yamamoto, and Y. Hayasaki, “Manually operated low-coherence interferometer for
optical information hiding,” Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 20, pp. 9421-9429 (2006).
2005年 Shuji Taue, Mayumi Fukuda, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, and Nobuo Nishida, “Near-Infrared
Spectroscopy Probe with Position Sensor,” Optical Review, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 149-154 (2005).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki and Nobuo Nishida, “Secure Information Display with Two
Limited Viewing Zones Using Two Decoding Masks Based on Visual Secret Sharing Scheme,” Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 44, No. 4A, pp. 1803-1807 (2005). %Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1

Yoshio Hayasaki, Ei-ichiro Hikosaka, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Optical image
processing using an optoelectronic feedback system with electronic distortion correction,” Optics
Express, Vol. 13, No. 12, p. 4657-4665 (2005).

Akihiro Takita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, Nobuo Nishida, and Hiroaki Misawa, “Three-
dimensional optical memory using a human fingernail,” Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 4560-
4567 (2005).
2004年 Akihiro Takita, Mitsuru Watanabe, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shigeki Matsuo, Hiroaki Misawa, Yoshio
Hayasaki, and Nobuo Nishida, “Optical Bit Recording in a Human Fingernail,” Japanese Journal of
Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 168-171 (2004).

Yoshio Hayasaki, Yoshiaki Matsuba, Atsushi Nagaoka, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Hiding
an image with a light-scattering medium and use of a contrast-discrimination method for readout,”
Applied Optics, Vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 1552-1558 (2004).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, and Nobuo Nishida, “Secure information display with limited
viewing zone by use of multi-color visual cryptography,” Optics Express, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1258
-1270 (2004).

Shinya Matsumoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, and Nobuo Nishida, “Real-Time Measurement
of a Viewer’s Position to Evaluate a Stereoscopic LED Displays with a Parallax Barrier,” IEICE
Trans. on Electronics, Vol. E87-C, No. 11, pp. 1982-1988(2004).

Yoshio Hayasaki, Hayato Takita, Akihiro Takita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Nobuo Nishida, and Hiroaki
Misawa, “Processing Structures on Human Fingernail Surfaces Using a Focused Near-Infrared
Femtosecond Laser Pulse,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 8089-8093

Yoshio Hayasaki, Ei-ichiro Hikosaka, Ken Nishioka, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Image
processing based on seeded spontaneous optical pattern formation by optoelectronic feedback,”
Applied Optics, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 236-240 (2004).
2003年 Yoshio Hayasaki, Naofumi Ishikura, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Thick photorefractive
polymer device with coplanar electrodes,” Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 74, No. 8, pp.
3693-3696 (2003).

Yoshio Hayasaki, Yoshihito Yuasa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Flow of optical patterns
due to small lateral wave-front shifts in a nonlinear optical feedback system,” Optics
Communications, Vol. 220, pp. 281-287 (2003).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, and Nobuo Nishida, “Securing information display by use of
visual cryptography,” Optics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 17, pp. 1564-1566 (2003).

ブ”, 脈管学, Vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 351-354 (2003).

Yoshio Hayasaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Nobuo Nishida, “Spatially localized states with size-
dependent optical bistability,” Optics Letters, Vol.28, No.23, pp.2351-2353 (2003).
2002年 田上周路,山本裕紹,早崎芳夫,西田信夫,三浦 哉:”人の運動計測のための多チャンネル酸素動態測定シ
ステム”,脈管学, Vol. 42, pp. S2-S5 (2002).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Makoto Kouno, Syuji Muguruma, Yoshio Hayasaki, Yoshifumi Nagai, Yoshinori
Shimizu, and Nobuo Nishida, “Enlargement of viewing area of stereoscopic full-color LED display by
use of a parallax barrier,” Applied Optics, Vol. 41, No. 32, pp. 6907-6919 (2002).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Sato, Syuji Muguruma, Yoshio Hayasaki, Yoshifumi Nagai, Yoshinori
Shimizu and Nobuo Nishida, “Stereoscopic Full-Color Light Emitting Diode Display Using Parallax
Barrier for Different Interpupillary Distances,” Optical Review, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 244-250
2001年 Yoshio Hayasaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Selection of optical patterns using
direct modulation method of spatial frequency in a nonlinear optical feedback system,” Optics
Communications, Vol. 187, No.1,pp. 49-55, 2001.

Yoshio Hayasaki, Yuuki Tamura, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Spatial Property of Formed
Patterns Depending on Focus Condition in a Two-Dimensional Optoelectronic Feedback System,”
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 (Regular Papers &Short Notes),Vol.40,No.1,pp.165-

Yoshio Hayasaki, Shusaki Hara, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Nobuo Nishida, “Spatial and Temporal
Properties of a Nonlinear Optical Feedback System,” Optical Review, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 343-347

コヒーレンスの評価”, 光学, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 679-683 (2001).

山本裕紹,六車修二,佐藤 剛,小野佳最, 早崎芳夫,永井芳文,清水義則,西田信夫:”フルカラーLEDを用い
たパララックスバリア式立体画像表示の観察領域の最適化”, ディスプレイ アンド イメージング, Vol. 8,
No. 2, pp. 155-166 (2000).

H. Yamamoto, S. Muguruma, T. Sato, K. Ono, Y. Hayasaki, Y. Nagai, Y. Shimizu, and N.
Nishida:”Optimum Parameters and Viewing Areas of Stereoscopic Full-Color LED Display Using
Parallax Barrier,” IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol. E83-C, No. 10, pp. 1632-1639(2000).


Apr 22th, 2019[共同受賞]
The Fumio Okano Best 3D Paper Award
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kazuki Kawai, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, “Forming aerial 3D images with smooth motion parallax in combination of arc 3D display with AIRR” SPIE

Dec 13th, 2018[共同受賞]
IDW’18 Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Fujii, Shogo Morita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “A novel super-resolution display technique by use of spatiotemporal coding ”

Aug, 31st, 2018[共同受賞]
IMID 2018 Best Poster Paper Award
Ryota Kakinuma, Masaki Yasugi, Shusei Ito, Kengo Fujii, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Interpersonal 3D Screen with AIRR that Shares Your Gesture and Your Screen with an Opposite Viewer”

April 24th, 2018 [共同受賞]
The 7th Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2018 (LDC’18) Student Award
Yoshiki Terashima, Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Protruding DFD Display with AIRR”

January 29th, 2018 [共同受賞]
BiOS2018 in Photonics West 2018 Best Paper Award
Takahiko Mizuno, Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Video-rate confocal phase imaging by use of scan-less dual comb microscopy”

December 7th, 2017 [共同受賞]
IDW’17 Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Tomoyuki Okamoto, Tomofumi Kobori, Ryosuke Kujime, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projecting Prompter Information via a Common Information Screen with AIRR”

November 30th, 2017[共同受賞]
International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical and Medical Intelligent System 2017 Best Paper Award
Ryosuke Kujime, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Recent progress on aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR)”

December 8th, 2016[共同受賞]
IDW/AD’16 (The 23rd International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Sho Onose, Masashi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Takeshi Yasui, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Singel Pixel Imaging with a High-Frame-Rate LED Digital Signage”

August 24th, 2016[共同受賞]
IMID 2016 (The 16th International Meeting on Information Display) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Shogo Morita, Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial LED Signage by Use of Transparent Acrylic Cubes”

December 11th, 2015[共同受賞]
IDW/AD’15 (The 22nd International Display Workshops) Best Paper Award
Yutaka Tokuda, Kenta Onuki, Masashi Takahashi, Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Michitaka Hirose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,
“Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection with Transparent Retro-Reflector (AIRR with TRR)”

December 10th, 2015[共同受賞]
IDW’15 (The 22nd International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Ryosuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,”How to Converge Long Wave-Length Sound by Small-Aperture Crossed-Mirror Array”

August 21st, 2015[共同受賞]
IMID 2015 (The 15th International Meeting on Information Display)
Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Ryosuke Kujime, Hironori Nakamura, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Wave Form of Converged Sound by Crossed-Mirror Array”

December 17th,2014[共同受賞]
安井雅彦,M. Sakti Alvissalim, 山本裕紹,石川正俊「空中映像と高速3Dジェスチャー認識技術の統合による直感的操作可能なインタラクションシステム
第15回 公益社団法人計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会

December 5th, 2014
IDW’14 (The 21st International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
K. Sato, A. Tsuji, S. Suyama, H. Yamamoto, “Development of Column-Parallel LED Screen with Flexible Shape”

August 28th, 2014[共同受賞]
IMID 2014 Outstanding Poster Paper Award
Fumito Kimura, Takuya Yamamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Dyanmic Wavefront Changes in High-Speed LC Prism by Using LED Flashing”
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

October 17th, 2014
IWH2014 (International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies) Best Paper Award
Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama, and Shiro Suyama, “Multi-layered floating display by use of retro-reflector”

October 3rd, 2013 [共同受賞]
IEEE GCCE 2013 Excellent Poster Award (2nd Prize)
Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Sato, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto: “High-frame-rate LED Display with Pulse-width Modulation by Use of Nonlinear Clock”
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama
2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics

October 31st, 2013 [共同受賞]
第13回エンジニアリングフェスティバル 優秀賞

December 4th, 2013 [共同受賞]
IDW’13 (the 20th International Display Workshops)
Outstanding Poster Paper Award
T. Kurokawa, R. Tanimoto, Y. Okada, H. Yamamoto, S. Suyama, “Reduction of Ghost 3D Image in the Volumetric 3D Display by Using a Half-Wave Plate to Polarization-Switching Device,” Dec. 4, 2012.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

January 25th, 2012
SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging 2012
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conferenceにおいて
Best 3D Demonstration Award
H. Yamamoto, H. Bando, R. Kujime, and S. Suyama, “Design of crossed-mirror array to form floating 3D LED signs”, Jan. 24, 2012.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

March 19th, 2012

October 15th, 2012
第12回エンジニアリングフェスティバル 優秀賞
awarded by 徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部長 大西徳生

December 6th, 2012 [共同受賞]
IDW/AD ’12 (the 19th International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display 2012)
Outstanding Poster Paper Award
R. Kujime, S. Suyama, and H. Yamamoto, “Thermal and Visual 3D Display by Use of Crossed-Mirror Array,” Dec. 6, 2012.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

March 25th, 2011 源内大賞(財団法人エレキテル尾崎財団)受賞テーマ「3次元セキュアディスプレイに関する研究」

October 19th, 2011 第11回エンジニアリングフェスティバル 優秀賞

November 11th, 2011 [共同受賞]
Best Paper Award at The 1st Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP 2011)
K. Imai, H. Bando, C. Maeda, S. Suyama, and H. Yamamoto, “3-D viewer with convertion of side-by-side images into stacked virtual images.”
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

December 7th, 2011 [共同受賞]
IDW’11 (The 18th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
C. Maeda, S. Toyama, N. Saka, H. Yamamoto, and S. Suyama, “Active Liquid-Crystal Device for Arc 3D Display”, Dec. 7, 2011.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

December 9th, 2011 [共同受賞]
IDW’11 (The 18th International Display Workshops) Best Paper Award
S. Farhan Norizan, S. Suyama, and H. Yamamoto, “Hand-Waving Decodable Display by Use of a High Frame Rate LED panel,” Dec. 9, 2011.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

IDW ’10 (The 17th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
K. Sadauni, T. Inoue, H. Yamamoto, and S. Suyama, “Perceived depth change between real objects with different visual acuities of both eyes,” Dec. 2, 2010.
#supervisor:Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama

March THE TEACHER OF THE YEAR, 2008(徳島大学工学部 優秀教員)

IDW ’09 (The 16th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
K. Kukuchi, T. Inoue, H. Yamamoto, and S. Suyama, “Distortion in Liquid-Crystal Varifocal Lens for Volumetric Three-Dimensional Display,” Dec. 10, 2009.
2008年 IDW ’08 (The 15th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
H. Yamamoto, H. Nishimura, K. Uchida, K. Ono, Y. Hayasaki, and S. Suyama, “Depth Perception for Moving Pictures Shown on a Large LED Display with an Aperture Grille,” Dec. 4, 2008.
2007年 IDW ’07 (The 14th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
H. Yamamoto and Y. Hayasaki, “Secure Display by Use of Visual Cryptography Based on Polarization Processing,” Dec. 5-7, 2007.
2004年 山本裕紹,早崎芳夫,西田信夫, “複数の復号用マスクに情報を分散する視覚復号型暗号によるセキュアな情報ディスプレイ,” 第64回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集 第3分冊,P. 901 (2003). 2003年8月30日~9月2日.福岡大学(福岡県福岡市).
Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Mar. 2004.

IDW’04 (The 11th International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
H. Yamamoto, Y. Hayasaki, and N. Nishida, “Securing Information Display by Use of Multiple Decoding Masks Based on Visual Encryption and Decryption,” Dec. 8-10, 2004.
2003年 IDW’03 (The Tenth International Display Workshops) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
S. Matsumoto, H. Yamamoto, Y. Hayasaki, and N. Nishida, “Real-Time Measurement of the Position of a Viewer Watching a Stereoscopic LED Display with a Parallax Barrier,” Dec. 3-5, 2003.

Reviews and Reports

篠田一馬,山本裕紹, “スペクトルに関する情報フォトニクス研究”,分光研究,Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 213-214 (2014).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto “Screen-free display formed using reto-reflector,” SPIE Newsroom, DOI:10.1117/2.1201502.005769 (2015).

山本裕紹,”フォトニック3次元情報環境の創成に向けて”,フォトニクスニュース,Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 45-50 (2015).

山本裕紹,”時空間符号化によるディスプレイのセキュリティー技術”, 光技術コンタクト, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 35-40 (2016).

山本裕紹,”再帰反射による空中映像の形成技術”, 光設計研究グループ機関紙 OPTICS DESIGN, No. 59, pp. 15-20 (2016).

安井武史,宮本周治,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,“ライン集光スリットと波長‐空間変換を用いたスキャンレス・フルフィールド共焦点レーザー顕微鏡”, 光アライアンス, Vol. 27, No.11, pp. 10-13 (2016)

長谷栄治,宮本周治,市川竜嗣,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“スペクトル・エンコーディングを用いたラインフィールド共焦点デュアル光コム顕微鏡”,レーザー研究,Vol.45, No.6, pp324-327 (2017)

山本裕紹,“再帰反射による空中結像(AIRR)による空中ディスプレイ”,日本画像学会誌,Vol.56,No.4,pp341-351 (2017)

K. Uchida, S. Ito and H. Yamamoto, “Multifunctional Aerial Display through Use of Polarization-processing Display,” 光学,Vol.47,No.6,p247(2018)

山本裕紹,“空中マルチモーダルディスプレイ,” 映像情報メディア学会誌,72,No.4,pp488~491 (2018)

山際将具,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“光周波数シンセサイザーを用いたマルチ合成波長カスケードリンク型デジタル・ホログラフィー,”レーザー研究,Vol.46, No.7, pp.370-373

渡辺英治,八杉公基,山本裕紹、“仮想メダカ像を用いたメダカの行動解析,”生物の科学 遺伝,Vol.72, No.6, pp.623-629 (2018)

南川丈夫,安井武史,長谷栄治,山本裕紹,“空間/波長次元変換を用いたワンショット共焦点顕微鏡,”検査技術,Vol.23, No.11, pp.6-12 (2018)

堀越力,高木康博,吉川浩,小池崇文,氏家弘裕,山本裕紹,清川清,“立体映像技術の研究開発動向,”映像情報メディア学会誌,No.1, pp.90-95 (2019)

山際将棋,南川丈夫,安井武史,諸橋功,山本裕紹,“モード操作GHz光コムを用いたマルチ合成波長デジタルホログラフィ,”光技術コンタクト,Vol.57,No.3,pp.24-31 (2019)

山本裕紹,“空中ディスプレイとその光学系 空中ディスプレイの基礎と応用展開,”月刊OPTRONICS, Vol.450, pp.64-66 (2019)

長谷栄治,南川丈夫,水野孝彦,山本裕紹,安井武史,“光周波数コムを用いた最新の応用計測 スキャンレスデュアルコム顕微鏡による共焦点位相イメージング,”光学,No.48, Vol. 11, pp.462-468 (2019)

津田卓哉,水野孝彦,長谷栄治,新田一樹,是澤秀紀,南川丈夫,安井武史,山本裕紹,“スキャンレス・デュアル光コム顕微鏡を用いた動体サンプルのイメージング”,光アライアンス,31(6), pp. 11 -14 (2020).

International conference

H. Yamamoto, K. Sato, S. Farhan, S. Suyama, “Hand-Waving Steganography by Use of a High-Frame-Rate LED Panel,” SID 2014 DIGEST, pp. 915-917 (2014).
#ISSN 0097-966X/14/4502-0915-$1.00 (C)2014 SID
#20140606, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA
#Oral presentation, author interview demonstration

R. Kujime, S. Suyaam, and H. Yamamoto, “Bidirectional visual and thermal 3D dinformation display by use of crossed-mirror array,” in Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2014), JTuA23.
#20140715, Sattle, Poster

H. Yamamoto, Y. Tomiyama, and S. Suyama, “Directivity of floating LED formed with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” in Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2014), DW4B.6.
#20140716, Seattle, Oral

Yuka Tomiyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “LED Aerial-Image Size Dependence on Floating Distance by Retro-Reflection,” IMID 2014, 6-1 (2014).
#20140827, Oral Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Akinori Tsuji, Kengo Sato, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Development of Smart LED Tiles for Scalable and Real-Time Large Display,” IMID 2014, 6-3 (2014).
#20140827, Oral Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Crossed-Mirror Array Configuration with One-Side Mirrors for Four-View Aerial LED Signage,” IMID 2014, 6-4 (2014).
#20140827, Oral Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Shintaro Yamada, Kazuki Tatehata, Idaku Ishii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Motion direction dependence of perceived depth by monocular motion parallax,” IMID 2014, 10-4 (2014).
#20140827, Oral Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Suppression of ghost 3-D image and luminance calibration for multi-focal-lens volumetric 3-D display,” IMID 2014, 37-4 (2014).
#20140828, Oral Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Fumito Kimura, Takuya Yamamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Dynamic wavefront changes in high-speed LC prism by using LED flashing,” IMID 2014, P1-88 (2014).
#20140828, Poster Presentation, Exco, Daegu, Korea

Yuka Tomiyama, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparison of retroreflective elements in directivity of aerial imaging by retroreflection (AIRR),” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2014, 20a-C4-4 (2014).
#20140920, Oral presentation, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo

Ryosuke Kujime, Kouhei Miyamoto, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “System of crossed-mirror array to converge illumination light for culturing chlorella,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2014, 20p-C4-3 (2014).
#20140920, Oral presentation, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo

Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Viewing angle of aerial image by use of crossed-mirror array,” IWH (International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies) 2014 Digest, 16p06, pp. 86-87 (2014).
#20141016, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, Poster presentation

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yuka Tomiyama, and Shiro Suyama, “Multi-layered floating display by use of retro-reflector,” IWH (International Workshop on Holography and Related Technologies) 2014 Digest, 15c05, pp. 34-35 (2014).
#20141015, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, Oral presentation

Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Floating depth-fused 3D image using multi-focal lens 3D system for image data reduction,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 898-901 (2014).
#20141204, Poster presentation,Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14 3Dp1-5

Tomoki Soumiya, Hidenori Kuribayashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Wide Ciewing Zone by Dynamic Head Movement in Edge-Based DFD Display,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 902-905 (2014).
#20141204, Poster presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, 3Dp1-6

Ryousuke Kujime, Kouhei Miyamoto, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Crossed-Mirror Array (CMA) converges sound wave in 3D space,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 906-909 (2014).
#20141204, Poster presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, 3Dp1-7

Shintaro Yamada, Idaku Ishii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Shiro Suyama, “Perceived depth degradation by delay time and discoutinuous image flipping in monocular motion parallax display,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 910-913 (2014).
#20141204, Poster presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, 3Dp1-8

Yuka Tomiyama, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Fabrication of special glass-beads retroreflector for AIRR,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 395-398 (2014).
#20141205, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, FMC4-3
#Innovative Demonstration Session 141205

Kengo Sato, Akinori Tsuji, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Development of column-parallel LED screen with flexible shape,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 1139-1142 (2014).
#20141205, Poster presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, PRJp1-3

Hirotsugu Yamamoto and Shiro Suyama, “Floating Digital Signage Based on Aerial Imaging Techniques,” Proc. IDW, vol. 21, pp. 814-817 (2014).
#20141204, Oral presentation (Invited), Toki Messe,Niigata, IDW’14, 3D2-2
#Innovative Demonstration Session 141205

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Masahiko Yasui, M. Sakti Alvissalim, Masashi Takahashi, Yuka Tomiyama, Shiro Suyama, Masatoshi Ishikawa, “Floating display screen formed by AIRR (Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection) for interaction in 3D space,” Proc. 2014 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D 2014), Paper40, pp. 1-5, 2014.
#20141209, Universit of Liege (Salle academique), Liege, Belgium, Oral presentation

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, “Aerial Display of Light, Heat, and Sound,” Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), pp. 48- 49 (2014)
#20141216, 沖縄県市町村自治会館 (Naha city, Okinawa), Invited

Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Waving-hand steganography for a natural image based on a partially color-sequential method by use of high-frame-rate LED display,” Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), pp. 100- 101 (2014)
#20141216, 沖縄県市町村自治会館 (Naha city, Okinawa), Poster, Refereed Paper

Yukiko Yoshida, Shiro Suyama, Idaku Ishii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Observation of Vibrating Object by Interference Fringe Projection and Lens-Tilt Imaging,” Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), pp. 102- 103 (2014)
#20141216, 沖縄県市町村自治会館 (Naha city, Okinawa), Poster,Refereed Paper

Risa Tanimoto, Takafumi Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suayama, “Floating DFD (Depth-fused 3D) display by using multifocal lens system,” Proc. of DHIP2014 (The Fourth Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), pp. 104- 105 (2014)
#20141216, 沖縄県市町村自治会館 (Naha city, Okinawa), Poster,Refereed Papers

Hidetsugu Suginohara, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Satoshi Yamanaka, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-layer 3D imaging using multiple viewpoint images and depth map,” 2015 Electronic Imaging, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI, 9391-37 (2015)
#20150211, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA, Oral presentation,Proc. SPIE, vol. 9391, Refereed Papers

Masashi Takahashi and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Photographing-decodable Steganography by Use of a High-frame-rate LED DIsplay,” The 14th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO2015) Th-P12 (2015).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Unconscious Imaging (UcI) and its applications for digital signage,” The 14th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO2015) W1-4 (2015).

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “High-speed LED displays and its applications,” IMID2015, 60-1, Daegu, 20150821, Invited talks

Ryosuke Ozaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama, “Stereoscopic display with radial parallax barrier,” IMID 2015, 52-2, Daegu, 20150821

Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Decoing waving-hand steganography by use of an optical chopper,” IMID 2015, 54-4, Daegu, 20150821

Ryosuke Kujime, Hironori Nakamura, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Wave form of converged sound by crossed-mirror array,” IMID 2015, P2-83, Daegu, 20150821

Masao Nakajima, Yuka Tomiyama, Ichiro Amimori, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Evaluation Methods of Retro-Reflector for Polarized Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection,” CLEO-PR 2015, Busan, 20150825

Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui, “Digital holographic microscopy using partially coherent, instantaneously bright, femtosecond pulse light,” Proc. CLEO-PR 2015, 27I2-4, Busan, 20150827

Takayuki Ogawa, Dahi Ghareab Abdelsalam, Takashi Masuoka, Takeshi Yasui, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Off-axis terahertz digital holography using continuous-wave terahertz radiation,” Proc. CLEO-PR 2015, 27P-99, Busan, 20150827

Kyuki Shibuya, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui, Tetsuo Iwata, Proc. CLEO-PR, 27I2-3, Busan, 20150827

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “3D Information Environments Based on Information Photonics,” DHIP2015 (The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Gangneung, South Korea, 20150917

Masashi Takahashi Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Waving-hand steganography for a movie on a high-frame-rate LED display,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015, (2015).#20150915, Oral presentation, Nagoya congress center,Nagoya

Ryosuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Converging light, thermal and sound wave by 2 types crossed mirror array,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015, (2015).#20150915, Oral presentation, Nagoya congress center,Nagoya

Yutaka Tokuda, Michitaka Hirose, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Polarized Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (pAIRR),” DHIP2015 (The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Gangneung, South Korea, 20150917

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projecting a background image behind aerial display with AIRR,” DHIP2015 (The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Gangneung, South Korea, 20150917

Yutaka Tokuda, Atsushi Hiyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “R2D2w/AIRR: Real time & Real space Double-layered Display with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection,” SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 2015

Masashi Takahashi, Hitrotsugu Yamamoto, “Waving-Hand Steganography on Aerial LED Screen Formed with AIRR,” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp844-847, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Yutaka Tokuda, Kenta Onuki, Masashi Takahashi, Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Michitaka Hirose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection with Transparent Retro-Reflector (AIRR with TRR)” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp830-833, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Norikazu Kawagishi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Evaluation Method of Sharpness on Aerial Image Formed with AIRR,” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp826-829, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Masao Nakajima, Kenta Onuki, Ichiro Amimori, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,” Polarization State Analysis for Polarized Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (PAIRR),” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp429-432, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Ryosuke Kujime, Hatuki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,” How to Converge Long Wave-Length Sound by Small-Aperture Crossed-Mirror Array,” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp859-862, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Ryosuke Ozaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama, “Stereoscopic Display by Using a New Radial Parallax Barrier for All Surrounding Viewpoints,” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp871-874, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga) #20151210

Teppei Kobayashi, Akinori Tsuji, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, ” Development of High-speed LED Display System on FPGA,” Proc. IDW, Vol. 22, pp1336-1337, IDW’15, 大津プリンスホテル(Ohtsu City, Shiga)

Takeshi Yasui, Eiji Hase, Shuji Miyamoto, Yi-Da Hsieh, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Scan-less, Line-field confocal microscopy by combination of wavelength/space conversion with dual optical comb,” Proc. SPIE, Vol.9720, 972006, San Francisco, California, United States, #20160213 DOI: 10.1117/12.2213560

Shuji Miyamoto, Eiji Hase, Ryuji Ichikawa, Takeo Minamikawa, Takeshi Yasui, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “One shot confocal microscopy based on wavelength/space conversion by use of multichannel spectrometer,” Proc. SPIE, Vol.9720, 97201C, San Francisco, California, United States, #20160214 DOI: 10.1117/12.2213814

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Keitaro Uchida ” Multi-Functional Aerial Display by use of Polarization-Processing Display,” Proc. ODF’16, 1S4-07, ODF’16, Weingarten, Germany

E. Hase, S. Miyamoto, Y.-H. Hiseh, T. Minamikawa, H. Yamamoto, and T.Yasui, “Scan-less, Line-filed, Confocal Microscopy Based on Dimensional-Conversion Optical Frequency Comb,” Proc. CLEO:2016, SW1H.3 (2016). #20160609, Oral presentation, San Jose ConventionCenter, San Jose, CA, USA.

Kenta Onuki, Masao Nakajima, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Norikazu Kawagishi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Brightness improvement by polarization modulation in the aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” Proc. 2016 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (3D), JT3A.65 (2016). #20160726 Poster.Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg, Germany

Toru Iwane, Masao Nakajima, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Light-field display combined with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” Proc. 2016 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress (3D), TM3A.3 (2016). #20160725 Invited.Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg, Germany

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Keitaro Uchida, “Multi-Functional Aerial Display by use of Polarization-Processing Display,” Proc. ODF’16 (10th International Conference on Opticsphotonics Design & Fabrication), 1S4-07 (2016).

Tomofumi Kobori, Kenta Onuki, Shogo Morita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto,”Forming an Aerial Image Perpendicular to the Table Top,” IMID 2016
DIGEST, P1-74, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016.#20160824, Poster

Shogo Morita, Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial LED Signage by Use of Transparent Acrylic Cubes,” IMID 2016 DIGEST, P1-75, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. 【IMID 2016 Outstanding Poster Paper Award 】#20160824, Poster

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, Takaho Itoigawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Large thermal display with converging far-infrared by square pipe array (SPA),” IMID 2016 DIGEST, E37-3, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. #20160825, Oral

Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Kenta Onuki, Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Developments of Large Aerial LED Display with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR),” IMID 2016 DIGEST, E45-3, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. #20160825, Oral

Kenta Onuki, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Sho Onose, Masao Nakajima, Norikazu Kawagishi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparisons of Retro-Reflectors for Polarization Modulation in the Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection,” IMID 2016 DIGEST, P2-60, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. #20160825, Poster

Nao Kurokawa, Kenta Onuki, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-Layered Aerial LED Display by Utilizing Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR) Twice,” IMID 2016 DIGEST, P2-69, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. #20160825, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Real Image Forms SF Display,” IMID 2016 DIGEST, F78-2, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016. #20160826, Invited

Kenta Onuki, Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Underwater information display using arial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2016, (2016) #20160913, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata

Ryosuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Design of CMA to Improve Luminance of Aerial Image”, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2016, (2016) #20160913, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata

Tomofumi Kobori, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Two Aerial Images on Both Sides of a Display Equipment”,  JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2016, (2016) #20160913, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata

Sho Onose, Masashi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Takeshi Yasui, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Single Pixel Imaging with a High-Frame-Rate LED Array”, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2016, (2016) #20160913, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, Takaho Itoigawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Development of aerial heater that converges infrared lights by use of WARM”, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2016, (2016) #20160913, Oral presentation, Toki Messe,Niigata

Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Preventing Surface Reflected Light on Retro-reflector in AIRR,” Proc. IDW, pp.468-471 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161207, Oral

Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Luminance Improvement of Aerial Double-Layered Display with Polarized AIRR,” Proc. IDW, pp.1609-1612 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Formation of Aerial Image with Motion Parallax Generated by Scattered Light on Arcs,” Proc. IDW, pp.1616-1619 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Tomofumi Kobori, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Increasing Luminance of Aerial Image Perpendicular to the Table Top,” Proc. IDW, pp.1605-1608 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Shogo Morita, Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Imaging with Transparent Acrylic Cubes and Application for Steganography,” Proc. IDW, pp.1620-1623 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Sho Onose, Masashi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Takeshi Yasui, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Singel Pixel Imaging with a High-Frame-Rate LED Digital Signage”, Proc. IDW, pp.1495-1498 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster, 【Outstanding Poster Award】

Kenta Onuki, Norikazu Kawagishi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparison of Divergence Angle of Retro-Reflectors for Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR)”, Proc. IDW, pp.542-545 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Ryosuke Ozaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama, “New Directional Backlight of Arc 3D Display for Stereoscopic Display with All Surrounding Viewpoints”, Proc. IDW, pp.923-924 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Photographing Steganography by Use of Spatio-Temporal Coding on a High-Frame-Rate LED Display”, Proc. IDW, pp.1342-1345 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161208, Poster

Toru Iwane, Masao Nakajima, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “3D Volume Image Reconstruction in Space, Using Combined System of Light-Field Display and Aerial Imaging Devise”, Proc. IDW, pp.815-818 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161209, Oral

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Shusei Ito, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, Takaho Itoigawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Visual and Thermal Floating Display with AIRR and WARM”, Proc. IDW, pp.823-826 (2016) Fukuoka, #20161209, Oral

Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Image Formed by Scattered Light with Edge-Lit Arc 3D,” DHIP2016 (The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, #20161220, Poster

Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Omnidirectional Aerial Display with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR),” DHIP2016 (The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, #20161220, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shusei Ito, Keitaro Uchida, “Multi-Functional Aerial Information Display,” DHIP2016 (The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, #20161220, Invited

Shusei Ito, Keitaro Uchida, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Secure Display by Use of Polarization-Processing Display with Retarder Film and Retro-Reflector, ” SPIE Photonics West (2017), The Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA, #20170201, Poster

Shogo Morita, Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Hybrid Display of Static Image and Aerial Image by Use of Transparent Acrylic Cubes and Retro-Reflectors, ” SPIE Photonics West (2017), The Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA, #20170201, Poster

Nao Kurokawa, Kenta Onuki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-Layered Aerial LED Display by Double-Stage Polarized Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection, ” IP’17(Information Photonics 2017), 20PM-1-4 (2017), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, #20170420, Oral

Kengo Fujii, Shusei Ito, Satoshi Maekawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Steganography by use of a clear sphere as a key for decoding a concealed aerial image formed with AIRR, ” IP’17(Information Photonics 2017), 21PM-1-3 (2017), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, #20170421, Poster

Tomofumi Kobori, Ryosuke Kujime, Masashi Takahashi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Two Aerial Images at Two Viewpoints by Use of a Slit Array, ” IP’17(Information Photonics 2017), 21PM-1-16 (2017), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, #20170421, Poster

Ryosuke Kujime, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Imaging Display System by Use of AIRR and CMA, ” IP’17(Information Photonics 2017), 21PM-1-14 (2017), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, #20170421, Poster

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Kazuki Kawai, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, Takaho Itoigawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Extending the floating distance of an aerial heater by use of WARM, ” IP’17(Information Photonics 2017), 21PM-1-15 (2017), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, #20170421, Poster

Hidetsugu Suginohara, Hayato Kikuta, Yoshitomo Nakamura, Koji Minami, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “An Aerial Display: Passing through a Floating Image Formed by Retro-Reflective Reimaging,” SID DW2017, 29.1 (2017),Los Angels Convention Center, CA, #20170523, Oral

Shusei Ito, Nao Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Calibration between a 3D camera and an aerial information screen,” SPIE Digital Optical Technologies, Vol.10335, Intermationales Congress Center, Germany, #20170628, Poster

Nao Kurokawa, Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial 3D display by use of a 3D-shaped screen with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” SPIE Digital Optical Technologies, Vol.10335, Intermationales Congress Center, Germany, #20170628, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shusei Ito, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Ryosuke Kujime, Kengo Fujii, Yoshiki Terashima, Yukihiro Takeda, “Aerial Display with Thermal and Acoustic Sensation,” SIGGRAPH 2017 a16, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, #20170730, Poster

Kujime, S. Suyama, H. Yamamoto, “Enlarging Viewing Angle of Aerial Image in Combination of AIRR with CMA,” The 24th Congress of International Commission for Optics, P4-34, Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, #20170822

Erina Abe, Sho Onose and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Geometric Transformation to Form a Cylindrical Information Screen on an Omnidirectional Aerial Display,” IMID 2017, P1-199, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Shusei Ito, Keitaro Uchida, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Dual-View Display by Use of Polarization Display with Retarder Film and Retro-Reflector,” IMID 2017, P1-203, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Nao Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Increasing Depth Cue in Aerial 3D Display by Use of Two 3D-shaped Screen with AIRR,” IMID 2017, P1-208, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Makoto Sasaki, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Ryosuke Kujime, Takaho Itoigawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Halving Thickness of Double-layered Arrays of Rectangular Mirroers (WARM) to Form Aerial Heater in 3D Spance,” IMID 2017, P1-218, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Kazuki Shimose, Kazuki Kawai and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Both-Sided Aerial Display with AIRR,” IMID 2017, P1-207, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Yoshiki Terashima, Tomohumi Kobori, Nao Kurokawa, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Bidirectional Aerial Display by Use of a Half Mirror,” IMID 2017, P1-213, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170829, Poster

Zijian Fan, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Haruki Mizushina and Shiro Suyama, “The Characteristics of Luminance Addition/subtranction System by Using Linear Polarization Operation in Layered TN-LCDs,” IMID 2017, F30-6, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170830, Oral

Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Formation of both-sided aerial 3D image by use of Arc 3D with AIRR,” IMID 2017, F46-3, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170830, Oral

Kengo Fujii, Kenta Onuki, Kazuki Kawai, Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Detecting Touch at an Aerial Image with a Camera Inside Aerial Display with polarized AIRR,” IMID 2017, F54-3, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, #20170831, Oral

H. Yamamoto, T. Okamoto, R. Kujime, “Multi-Modal Aerial Information Display for Next Generation Digital Signage,” The 25th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, MD-Ⅲ-3, Busan, Korea, #20170911, Invited

Shogo Morita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Single Pixel Imaging with pAIRR”, OPJ2017 OSJ-OSA Joint Symposia 2017, 31aOD5 (2017) #20171031, Oral presentation, 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎, 東京都

Tomofumi Kobori, Kazuki Shimose, Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Masao Nakajima, Toru Iwane, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Light-Field Image Augmented Between You and Your Mirrored Image,” SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017, 08-0176, Bangkok, Thailand, #20171128, Poster

Ryosuke Kujime, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Recent progress on aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR),” International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical and Medical Intelligent System 2017, IPS03-04, Kiryu City Performing Arts Center, Japan, #20171130, 【Best Paper Award】

Erina Abe, Sho Onose, Hideaki Takeuchi, Eiji Watanabe, Yasuhiro Kamei, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Omnidirectional Aerial Display for Medaka”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-3 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Kengo Fujii, Nao Kurokawa, Kazuki Kawai, Shogo Morita, Kazuki Shimose, Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Constructing a Sounf System as if Sound is Coming from Aerial Image”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, FMCp2-2 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Shusei Ito, Keitaro Uchida and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Use of Ultrasonic Waves for Navigation to the Viewing Position of Aerial Secure Display”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, HAPp1-4 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Norikazu Kawagishi and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparison of Image Quality of Aerial Image Formed with Aerial Image Techniques by Viewing Angle”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-11L (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Kazuki Kawai, Ryosuke Kujime, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “3D Lighting for Hyperspectral Imaging of Leaf Group by Use of Aerial Imaging Optics”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-2 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Tomofumi Kobori, Sho Onose, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Halving Aerial Display Thickness by Use of a Parallax Barrier”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, PRJp1-4 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Ryosuke Kujime and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Depth-Fused 3D on Aerial Thermal Display”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3D3-2 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Oral

Nao Kurokawa, Kengo Fujii, Shusei Ito and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Hollow-Face Illusion with AIRR”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-1 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Shogo Morita, SHo Onose, Makoto Sasaki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Single-Pixel Imaging on Aerial Display with AIRR”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-10 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Tomoyuki Okamoto, Tomofumi Kobori, Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projecting Prompter Information via a Common Information Screen with AIRR”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, PRJp1-2 (2017) 仙台国際センター, #20171207, Poster

Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Omnidirectional Aerial Display with AIRR by Use of Multifaceted Beam Splitters”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, FMCp2-1 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Kazuki Shimose Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Viewing Angle Analysis and Light Source Shielding on Both-Sided Aerial Display with AIRR”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, PRJp1-3 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Yoshiki Terashima Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial DFD Display with AIRR”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, 3Dp2-4 (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Kenta Onuki, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Comparisons of Aerial Image Sharpness Formed with AIRR by Use of Retro-reflectors Made of Glass Beads with Different Refractive Indices”, Proc. IDW, Vol. 24, FMCp2-3L (2017) Sendai International Center, #20171207, Poster

Ryosuke Kujime and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming the aerial 3D image of your back in front of you with using AIRR,” DHIP2017 (The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), p20-6, Daegu, Korea, #20171220, Poster

Kazuki Shimose and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Volumetric Display with Pyramid Structured LED Lattice and AIRR,” DHIP2017 (The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), p20-5, Daegu, Korea, #20171220, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Okamoto, Shusei Ito and Ryosuke Kujime “Aerial Multi-Modal Information Display,” DHIP2017 (The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Inv21a-4, Daegu, Korea, #20171220, Invited

Kyuki Shibuya, Takeo Minamikawa, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui, Tetsuo Iwata, “Dual-comb single-pixel imaging in both amplitude and phase”,” BiOS2018 in Photonics West 2018, 10505-31, Jan. 29, 2018( San Francisco,USA, 2018/1/27-2/1); Proc. SPIE 10505, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy III: Toward Big Data Instrumentation and Management; 105050Y (2018).

Takahiko Mizuno, Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Video-rate confocal phase imaging by use of scan-less dual comb microscopy,” BiOS2018 in Photonics West 2018, 10505-8, Jan. 29, 2018( San Francisco,USA, 2018/1/27-2/1); Proc. SPIE 10505, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy III: Toward Big Data Instrumentation and Management, 1050508 (20 February 2018)

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kazuki Kawai, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama, “Forming Aerial 3D Images with Smooth Motion Parallax in Combination of Arc 3D Display with AIRR,” Proceedings of SPIE、 10666, 106660I-1-106660I-6, Orlando, Florida, United States, #20180416, Oral, Invited

Yoshiki Terashima, Ryosuke Kujime, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Protruding DFD Display with AIRR,” The 7th Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2018 (LDC’18), LDC3-5, Yokohama, Japan, #20180424, Oral 【Student Award】

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “3D displays from PyeongChang to Tokyo, ” The 7th Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2018 (LDC’18), LDC3-1, Yokohama, Japan, #20180424, Imvited

Erina Abe, Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Imaging in a Cylindrical Water Tank with Omnidirectional Aerial Display,” The 7th Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2018 (LDC’18), LDCp9-14, Yokohama, Japan, #20180427, Poster

Kengo Fujii, Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Thermal Aerial Image by Convergence of Near Infrared Ray Using AIRR,” The 7th Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2018 (LDC’18), LDCp9-13, Yokohama, Japan, #20180427, Poster

Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Shuji Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Application of scan-less two-dimensional confocal microscopy achieved by a combination of confocal slit with wavelength/space conversion,” The 4th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2018(BISC2018), Apr. 27, 2018, 10711-55 (April 24-27, 2018/Yokohama, Japan).

Eiji Hase, Shuji Miyamoto, Takahiko Mizuno, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Dual-comb microscopy for scanless confocal phase imaging,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2018, Technical Digest (online), STh3L.3, San Jose, California, USA, #20180517, Oral

Masatomo Yamagiwa, Takeo Minamikawa, Isao Morohashi, Norihiko Sekine, Iwao Hosako, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Real-time multi-wavelength digital holography using line-by-line spectral shaping of optical frequency comb,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2018, Technical Digest (online), JW2A.155, San Jose, California, USA, #20180516, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kenta Onuki, Sho Onose, “Forming Underwater Information Display with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR),” OSA-3D 2018, 3M5G.4, Orlando, Florida, USA, #20180625, Oral

Yoshiki Terashima, Kengo Fujii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yasugi Masaki, Shiro Suyama, Yukihiro Takeda, “Aerial 3D/2D Composite Display: Depth-Fused 3D for the Central User and 2D for Surrounding Audiences,” SIGGRAPH ASIA 2018, 32-296, Vancouver, BC, Canada #20180812, Poster

Erina Abe and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Blocking Surface-Reflected light in Omnidirectional Aerial Display,” IMID 2018, H40-3, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20180830, Oral

Yusuke Seki, Ryosuke Kujime and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming an Enlarged Aerial Image by Use of a Curved Beam Splitter in AIRR,” IMID 2018, P2-84, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20180830, Poster

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “DFD Display by Aerial Image Formed on 2D Display Surface,” IMID 2018, P2-83, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20180830, Poster

Ryota Kakinuma, Masaki Yasugi, Shusei Ito, Kengo Fujii, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Interpersonal 3D Screen with AIRR that Shares Your Gesture and Your Screen with an Opposite Viewer,” IMID 2018, P3-103, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20180831, Poster

Erina Abe, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Omnidirectional Display by Use of a Projector,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2018, 19a-221B-7 (2018) #20180919, Oral presentation, 名古屋国際会議場,愛知県

Kengo Fujii, Ryota Kakinuma, Shusei Ito, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “See-Through Aerial Display with AIRR by Using Retro-Reflector as a Speaker,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2018, 19p-221B-8 (2018) #20180919, Oral presentation, 名古屋国際会議場,愛知県

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Protruding Aerial DFD Display in Combination of a Flat-Panel Display and AIRR,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2018, 19a-221B-3 (2018) #20180919, Oral presentation, 名古屋国際会議場,愛知県

Masaki Yasugi, Kazuki Shimose, Kengo Fujii, Shusei Ito, Kazuki Kawai, Masao Nakajima, Toru Iwane, Yukihiro Takeda and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-layered aerial images formed by AIRR and a light-field display,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2018, 19a-221B-8 (2018) #20180919, Oral presentation, 名古屋国際会議場,愛知県

Clément Trovato, Kazuki Kawai, Kazuki Shimose, Shogo Morita, Shusei Ito, Ryota Kakinuma, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Field of view limitations in polarized AIRR (aerial imaging by retro-reflection), ” ODF’18 (11th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design&Fabrication), 29PDb-09, Hiroshima #20181129, ポスター発表

Kazuki Kawai, Shuichi Tominaga, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projecting a Flat-Surface Object to a Spherical Surface, ” ODF’18 (11th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design&Fabrication), 29PSb-22, Hiroshima #20181129, ポスター発表

Shusei Ito, Keitaro Uchida, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “See-through Aerial Secure Display with Head-tracking Function, ” IDW’18, FMC3-1, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181212, 口頭発表

Kazuki Shimose, Masaki Yasugi, Toru Iwane, Masao Nakajima, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Curved Aerial Information Display by Use of a Half-Mirror-Coated Fresnel Lens, ” IDW’18, FMC3-3, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181212, 口頭発表

Erina Abe, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Aerial Omnidirectional Transparent Information Screen, ” IDW’18, 3Dp2-3, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Kengo Fujii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multi-Modal Underwater Information Display in Combination of Speakers and Underwater Screen with by AIRR, ” IDW’18, 3Dp1-17, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Ryota Kakinuma, Kazuki Shimose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Reducing Apparent Blur of Aerial Signage for Long Viewing Distances, ” IDW’18, 3Dp1-16, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Shogo Morita, Akinori Tsuji, Toyotaro Tokimoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Waving-Hand Steganography Embedded in a Backlight of an LCD, ” IDW’18, DESp3/VHFp7-1, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Perceived Depth of Aerial Protruding Depth-Fused 3D Display, ” IDW’18, 3Dp1-13, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Fujii, Shogo Morita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “A novel super-resolution display technique by use of spatiotemporal coding, ” IDW’18, DESp3/VHFp7-3L, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Shuichi Tominaga, Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Projection Method for Flat Surface Object to Spherical or Cyindrical Surface, ” IDW’18, PRJp1-5, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Clément Trovato, Kazuki Kawai, Kazuki Shimose, Shogo Morita, Shusei Ito, Ryota Kakinuma, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Near-Eye See-Through Head-Mounted Display Using Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR), ” IDW’18, 3Dp2-3, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Aerial Images at the Center of Triangular Container by Using Polarized Aerial Imaging by Retro-reflection (pAIRR), ” IDW’18, 3Dp1-15, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181213, ポスター発表

Manabu Morita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Keiichiro Ysohihara, Norikazu Nara, “Use of Aerial Agent for Smart Cockpit, ” IDW’18, PRJ5-1, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya #20181214, Invited

Kengo Fujii, Ryota Kakinuma, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Video Calling System Matching the Viewpoint with See-through AIRR, ” DHIP2018 (The 8th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), p68, Osaka University #20181219, ポスター発表

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Erina Abe, Masaki Yasugi, “Aerial Display for Biology, ” DHIP2018 (The 8th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics), Osaka University #20181221, 招待講演

Takuya Tsuda, Takahiko Mizuno, Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui: Scan-less confocal phase imaging of biological samples using dual-comb microscopy, Proc. SPIE, Vol.10889, 10889-47, #20190202, San Francisco, Photonics West 2019

Takahiko Mizuno, Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui: Scan-less fluorescence imaging using 2D frequency multiplexed illumination by dual-comb optical beat and 2D spectral disperser, Proc. SPIE, Vol.10889, 10889-4, #20190202, San Francisco, Photonics West 2019

Masatomo Yamagiwa, Takeo Minamikawa, Clément Trovato, Takayuki Ogawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui, Yusuke Kawahito, Ryo Oe, Kyuki Shibuya, Takahiro Mizuno, Yasuhiro Mizutani, Tetsuo Iwata, Kaoru Minoshima, Dahi D. Abdelsalam Ibrahim: Wide Axial dynamic range digital holography using multicascade-linked synthetic wavelengths and optical wavelength, Proc. SPIE, Vol.10944, 10944-39, #20190205, San Francisco, Photonics West 2019

Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasui: Transmission phase of optically opaque using phase-shifting teraherz digital holography, Proc. SPIE, Vol.10917, 10917-79, #20190206, San Francisco, Photonics West 2019

Kengo Fujii, Kazuki Shimose, Mitsuru Ito, Masao Nakajima, Toru Iwane, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Capturing of a light field image and its real-time aerial reconstruction with AIRR,” Proc. SPIE, 10997,109970G, #20190415, Baltimore, SPIE Defence+Commercial Sensing 2019

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Erina Abe, Masaki Yasugi, Eiji Watanabe, Hideaki Takeuchi, “Aquatic information display and its applications for behavioral biology experiments,” Proc. SPIE 10997, 1099707, #20190415, Baltimore, SPIE Defence+Commercial Sensing 2019 Invited

Takahiko Mizuno, Takuya Tsuda, Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Improvement of Image Quality in Dual-Comb Microscopy by Post-Amplification of Dual Comb Lights,” CLEO2019, AT.2019.AF3K.4, #20190510, San Jose, USA

Masatomo Yamagiwa, Takeo Minamikawa, Isao Morohashi, Norihiko Sekine, Iwao Hosako, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yasui, “Cascade-Linked Multi-Synthetic-Wavelength Digital Holography Using Line-by-Line Spectral Shaping Optical Frequency Comb,” CLEO2019, Sl.2019.SM2H.5, #20190510, San Jose, USA

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Fundamentals and Prospective Applications of Aerial Display with AIRR,” OSK-OSA-OSJ Joint Symposia, #20190714, BEXCO(Busan, South Korea), Invited

Harue Sasaki, Hiroshi Haga, Kengo Fujii, Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, and Koji Shigemura, “Effects of Directions of Lateral Motion on Perceived Strength in Fingertip,” IEEE World Haptics Conference, Wp1P.35, #20190715, Tokyo, Japan

Ryota Kakinuma, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “See-Through Aerial Display by Use of Patterned Retro-Reflective Sheet,” IMID 2019, D22-3, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190829, Oral

Kojiro Matsushita, Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Fujii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Variable Frame Rate LED Display for Subjective Super-Resolution,” IMID 2019, P02-102, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190829, Oral

Kazunari Chiba, Masaki Yasugi and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aquatic Multiple Image Formation with Faced Mirror Structure,” IMID 2019, P03-90, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190830, Poster

Shuto Hatsumi, Kazuki Shimose, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming an Aerial Concave Image with Aberration of Fresnel Lens and AIRR,” IMID 2019, P03-86, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190830, Poster

Daiki Nishimura, Shusei Ito, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Four-Sided Aerial Display by Use of Truncated Square Pyramid Beam Splitters,” IMID 2019, P03-85, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190830, Poster

Ikuya Saji, Kazuki Kawai, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Formation of Aerial Guiding Illumination with AIRR for Non-contact Imaging of a Hand,” IMID 2019, P03-88, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190830, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial 3D Display for Future Interface,” IMID 2019, D67-1, BEXCO, Busan, Korea #20190830, 【招待講演】

Shiro Suyama, Haruki Mizushina, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Theoretical and Experimental Perceived Depths in Arc 3D Display and Its On/Off Switching Using Liquid-Crystal Active Devices,” 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2019, Baltimore, USA, #201909

Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Haruki Mizushina, Hidenori Kuribayashi, “Edge-Based DFD (Depth-Fused 3D) Display with Enlarged Viewing Angle Maximum Perceived Depth,” 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2019, Baltimore, USA, #201909

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Tabletop Two-Layer Aerial Display with AIRR, ” JSAP-OPS Joint Symposium 2019, 19a-E215-5 (2019) #20190919, Oral presentation, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス

Kengo Fujii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Changing Size of Aerial Image Formed with AIRR by Use of Clear Spheres,” JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium 2019, 19a-E215-4(2019) #20190919, Oral presentation, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Recent Developments on Visual and Thermal Aerial Display,” International Symposium on 3D visual Perception and Applications, 3DVPA, Shandong Province, China #20191019【基調講演】

Yoshiki Terashima, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Image Augments a Flat-Panel Display,” IWH 2019, 5p-7, Penang School of Toyohashi Tech, Penang, Malaysia, #20191105, Oral

Kazunari Chiba and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Multiple Aerial Imaging by Use of Infinity Mirror and Oblique Retro-Reflector,” 24th Microoptics Conference (MOC2019), No. 59, pp.222-223 (2019), Toyama, #20191117, Poster

Kengo Fujii and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Aerial Display on a Clear Sphere with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection,” 24th Microoptics Conference (MOC2019), No. 59, pp.188-189 (2019), Toyama, #20191117, Poster

Hayato Kikuta, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Possibility of Deblurring Aerial Image Based on Deconvolution Processing”, IDW19’, PRJ1/FMC1-2, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191127, Oral

Erina Abe, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Immersive Reaction of Medaka to Omnidirectional Aerial Display”, IDW19’, 3DSAp2/3Dp2-7, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Kengo Fujii, Ryota Kakinuma, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Eye-Matching Video Calling System by Use of Aerial Screen with AIRR”, IDW19’, 3DSAp2/3Dp2-6, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Shuto Hatsumi, Kazuki Shimose, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “See-Through Aerial Concave Display by Use of Fresnel Lens and AIRR with Polarization Modulation”, IDW19’, 3DSAp2/3Dp2-9, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Norikazu Kawagishi, Ryota Kakinuma, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Evaluation of Image Resolution of Aerial Image Based on Slanted Knife Edge Method”, IDW19’, FMCp4-7L, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Kojiro Matsushita, Toyotaro Tokimoto, Kengo Fujii, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Spatio-Temporal LED Driving for Subjective Super-Resolution of Grayscale Images”, IDW19’, VHFp4/DESp1-1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Daiki Nishimura and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Two-View Aerial Signage Over an LED Panel by Use of a Retro-Reflective Slit-Array”, IDW19’, PRJp1-2, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Ikuya Saji, Kazuki Kawai, Ryosuke Kujime, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Non-contact Hand Vein Imaging by Use of Aerial Guiding Illumination with AIRR”, IDW19’, INPp1-1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Yoshiki Terashima, Kengo Fujii, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Tabletop Aerial DFD Display with AIRR”, IDW19’, 3DSAp2/3Dp2-8, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Exploring tge combination of optical components suitable for the large device to form aerial image by AIRR”, IDW’19, PRJp1-5L, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, #20191128, Poster

Ryota Kakinuma, Norikazu Kawagishi, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Proposal of visibility improvement method of aerial image formed by AIRR,” DHIP2019, p18-3 (2019), Gwangju, Korea, #20191218, Poster

Ikuya Saji, Kazuki Kawai and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Vein Imaging by Use of Aerial Grip-Shaped Guide with AIRR,” DHIP2019, p18-5 (2019), Gwangju, Korea, #20191218, Poster

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kojiro Matsushita, Kengo Fujii, Shogo Morita, and Toyotaro Tokimoto, “Subjective Super-Resolution Effect by Use of a High-Speed LED Panel,” DHIP2019, Inv201-6 (2019), Gwangju, Korea, #20191218, 【招待講演】

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Erina Abe, Masaki Yasugi, Eiji Watanabe, Hideaki Takeuchi, “Aerial Display Opens a New Field of Biology,” Laser Display Conference (LDC) 2020, LDC5-02 , #20200422, Online

Kengo Fujii, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Improvement of Visibility of Aerial Image in See-Through AIRR by Cutting Off Ambient Light Using Polarization Modulation,” Laser Display Conference (LDC) 2020, LDC10-03 , #20200423, Online

Kojiro Matsushita, Toyotaro Tokimoto, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Subjective Super-Resolution by Use of High-Speed Multi-Color LED Display,” Laser Display Conference (LDC), LDC10-02, #20200423, Online

Daiki Nishimura, Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Forming Aerial Signage in Front of LED Panel by Use of Retro-Reflector with Square-Shaped Holes,” Laser Display Conference (LDC)2020, LDC9-04 , #20200423, Online

Yoshiki Terashima, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Depth-fused 3D display by aerial display coated flat-panel display,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2020 Digital Forum, 1140207 , #20200427, Online

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Nao Kurokawa, “Aerial 3D shaped display with AIRR and aerial hollow-face illusion,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2020 Digital Forum, 114020M , #20200427, Online

Masaki Yasugi, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yukihiro Takeda, “Immersive aerial interface showing transparent floating screen between users and audience,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2020 Digital Forum, 114020O , #20200427, Online


Domestic Conference



高橋昌史,山本裕紹,“高速LEDパネルを用いた手振り複号型ステガノグラフィーの実現とカメラ撮影による複号”,LED総合フォーラム2014-2015 in徳島論文集,P157(2015)#20150110口頭発表,徳島大学ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部(徳島県)









小野瀬翔,山本裕紹,“再帰反射を用いた空中結像(AIRR) による全周型空中ディスプレイ”,第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集,21a-S224-3(2016)#20160321口頭発表,東京工業大学(東京都)























森田渉吾,小野瀬翔,岡本智行,山本裕紹,“透明アクリルキューブを用いたステガノグラフィー型空中像の形成” ,第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集,15a-C42-11(2016)#20160913口頭発表,朱鷺メッセ,(新潟市)

長谷栄治,宮本周治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“次元変換光コムを用いたスキャンレス・フルフィールド共焦点顕微鏡の開発(3) 〜2次元共焦点イメージの取得〜”,第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集,15a-C42-6(2016)#20160913口頭発表,朱鷺メッセ,(新潟市)


岡本智行,伊藤秀征,小貫健太,小野瀬翔,糸魚川高穂,山本裕紹,“AIRRとWARMの複合化による熱感覚のある空中ディスプレイ,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,31aES1 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

久次米亮介,水科晴樹,陶山史朗,山本裕紹,“AIRRとCMAの複合化による空中ディスプレイ,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,31aES3 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

高橋昌史,山本裕紹,“高速LEDディスプレイを用いたカメラ複合型ステガノグラフィーにおけるカラー画像の周波数多重化,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,31aES6 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

藤井賢吾,伊藤秀征,前川聡,山本裕紹,“AIRRによる透明球復号型ステガノグラフィー,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,31aES5 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

小野瀬翔,高橋昌史,水谷康弘,安井武史,山本裕紹,“高速LEDアレイへのランダムドットパターンの埋め込みを用いたシングルピクセルイメージング,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,1aE2 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

小貫健太,川岸功和,山本裕紹,“AIRRにおける再帰反射素子の広がり角と形成される空中像の鮮鋭度の比較,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,1aE7 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

小堀智史,山本裕紹,“テーブルトップ上に垂直に浮き上がる空中像の輝度向上,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,1aE6 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

長谷栄治,南川丈夫,宮本周治,山本裕紹,安井武史,“スキャンレスデュアル光コム顕微鏡を用いた共焦点位相差イメージング,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,2aA7 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

長谷栄治,宮本周治,山本裕紹,安井武史,南川丈夫,“光コムを用いた共焦点レーザー走査型顕微鏡の開発,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,2aA8 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

小川貴之,トロヴァト・クレモン,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“光シンセサイザを用いた多波長ディジタルホログラフィ,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2016 講演予稿集,2aA8 (2016) 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

高橋昌史,山本裕紹,”高速LEDディスプレイを用いたカメラ復号型ステガノグラフィーにおける周波数多重化” LED総合フォーラムin徳島 講演予稿集,P-15(2016)あわぎんホール

小堀智史,高橋昌史,岡本智行,小野瀬翔,河合一樹,山本裕紹,”スリットアレイを用いた2視点空中像の形成” LED総合フォーラムin徳島 講演予稿集,P-16(2016)あわぎんホール

久次米亮介,水科晴樹,陶山史朗,山本裕紹,”直交ミラーアレイを用いた空中LEDサインの4方向表示” LED総合フォーラムin徳島 講演予稿集,P-17(2016)あわぎんホール

伊藤秀征,内田景太朗,水科晴樹,陶山史朗,山本裕紹,”偏光演算型ディスプレイを用いた空中セキュアディスプレイ” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,H307pVⅢ07(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

河合一樹,山本裕紹,”アーク3Dを用いた空中表示における照明光に関する角度多重化” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,H307pVⅢ08(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

宮本周治,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,安井武史,山本裕紹,”波長/空間変換を用いたスキャンレス共焦点レーザー顕微鏡の開発” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,I307pVⅢ08(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

森田渉吾,伊藤秀征,山本裕紹,”透明アクリルキューブを用いた静的イメージとAIRRを用いた空中像によるハイブリッドディスプレイ” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,H307pVⅢ11(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

長谷栄治,南川丈夫,宮本周治,山本裕紹,安井武史,”スキャンレスデュアル光コム顕微鏡による共焦点位相イメージング” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,E307pⅠ08(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

藤井賢吾,小貫健太,伊藤秀征,山本裕紹,”偏光変調を利用したAIRRにおける空中像の接触感知” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,H307pVⅢ10(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

堀江ひとみ,岡本智行,糸魚川高穂,山本裕紹,”反射型結像素子を用いた赤外光の収束による局所暖房” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,H307pVⅢ09(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

小川貴之,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,”テラヘルツ・ディジタルホログラフィを用いた3次元形状計測” レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会 講演予稿集,E307pⅠ04(2017)徳島大学,口頭発表

堀江ひとみ,岡本智行,糸井川高穂,山本裕紹,“放物面鏡を用いた非接触の温度表示,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第11回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P9 (2017) #20170307宇都宮大学

阿部絵里菜,小野瀬翔,河合一樹,黒川菜緒,山本裕紹,“全周型空中ディスプレイにおける平面円環画像表示のための幾何変換,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第11回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P31 (2017) #20170307宇都宮大学

寺島佳希,小堀智史,黒川菜緒,山本裕紹,“ハーフミラーの利用による対向型空中ディスプレイ,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第11回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P32 (2017) #20170307宇都宮大学

佐々木麻琴,岡本智行,久次米亮介,糸井川高穂,山本裕紹,“金属ミラーを用いた虚像光源によるWARMの薄型化,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第11回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P55 (2017) #20170307宇都宮大学

小菅敬裕,小野瀬翔,小堀智史,山本裕紹,“AIRRによる気泡の空中結像の基礎的検討,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第11回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P56 (2017) #20170307宇都宮大学

松崎 俊樹,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,原田 建治,“空中ディスプレイによる偏光色表示,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,16a-P1-14(2017)#20170316パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

山際 将具,小川 貴之,川人 勇介,トロヴァト クレモン,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“光コム参照型シンセサイザを用いたカスケードリンク多波長デジタルホログラフィ,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,14p-F205-8(2017)#20170314パシフィコ横浜,ポスター発表

小貫 健太,小堀 智史,岡本 智行,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“プロジェクター投影映像に対するAIRRによる空中表示,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,14p-F205-15(2017)#20170314パシフィコ横浜,ポスター発表

黒川 菜緒,伊藤 秀征,山本 裕紹,“3次元スクリーンを利用した再帰反射による空中結像(AIRR)による空中3次元表示,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15a-F205-1(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

河合 一樹,山本 裕紹,“アーク3DとAIRRによる両面の空中映像の形成,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15a-F205-2(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

岡本 智行,河合 一樹,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“直交ミラーアレイを用いた空中像と背景投影による5次元表示,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15a-F205-3(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

小堀 智史,小野瀬 翔,小貫 健太,岡本 智行,山本 裕紹,“映像上に垂直に空中像が浮かび上がるT型情報ディスプレイ,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15a-F205-4(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“AIRRにおけるゴースト像除去のための再帰反射シートの水平配置Horizontal installation of retro-reflector to eliminate a ghost image in AIRR,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15p-P9-8(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“円錐ミラーと円筒スクリーンを用いたプロジェクション式全周型ディスプレイ,” 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,15p-P9-9(2017)#20170315パシフィコ横浜,口頭発表

山際 将具,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“光周波数コム参照型シンセサイザを光源としたカスケード・リンク多波長デジタルホログラフィによる段差計測,” 第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,8a-PB1-1(2017) #20170908 福岡国際会議場,ポスター発表

寺島 佳希,山本 裕紹,“AIRRを用いた空中像の合成,” 第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,5p-A413-12 (2017) #20170905 福岡国際会議場,口頭発表

阿部 絵里菜,山本 裕紹,“全周型空中ディスプレイを用いた水中への円筒映像の形成,” 第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,5p-A413-13 (2017) #20170905 福岡国際会議場,口頭発表

小川 貴之,南地 暉,山際 将具,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“フルフィールドTHzデジタル・ホログラフィーを用いた不透明物体のリアルタイム振幅/位相イメージング,” 第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,8a-A405-11  (2017) #20170908 福岡国際会議場,口頭発表

久次米 亮介,益村 和敬,佐藤 哲史,重村 幸治,山本 裕紹, “光と熱のマルチモーダル空中3Dディスプレイ,” 第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,1F3-04 (2017) #20170927 徳島大学常三島キャンパス,口頭発表

小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“多面ビームスプリッターと再帰反射を用いた空中結像(AIRR)による全周型空中ディスプレイ,”第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,1F4-01 (2017) #20170927 徳島大学常三島キャンパス,口頭発表

阿部 絵理菜,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“全周型空中ディスプレイを用いたベタの行動実験,”第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2E2-02 (2017) #20170928 徳島大学常三島キャンパス,口頭発表

伊藤 秀征,内田 景太朗,山本 裕紹,“AIRRにより形成された2層空中ディスプレイを用いた空中ボタンの押下感の提示,”第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2E (2017) #20170928 徳島大学常三島キャンパス,口頭発表

阿部 絵里菜,小野瀬 翔,黒川 菜緒,山本 裕紹,“連続単光源LEDを用いた円筒形状の多重空中結像,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP16 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

下瀬 主揮,山本 裕紹,“ピラミッド構造のLED格子とAIRRによる空中ボリューメトリック表示,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,2aDS11 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

河合 一樹,久次米 亮介,岡本 智行,山本 裕紹,“空中表示光学系を用いた葉群のハイパースペクトルイメージングにおける三次元照明,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP13 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

山際 将棋,小川 貴之,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“オフアクシス型THzデジタルホログラフィを用いた不透明物体のリアルタイム振幅/位相イメージング,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP9 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

寺島 佳希,陶山 史朗,山本 裕紹,“AIRRとDFDを用いた奥行きをもつ空中像,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP17 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

小堀 智史,岡本 智行,小野瀬 翔,長坂 千嘉夫,山本 裕紹,“AIRRによる空中ディスプレイのアミューズメント機器応用,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP18 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

藤井 賢吾,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“AIRRにおけるビームスプリッターの微小振動を用いた空中像からの音の発生,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,31aP19 (2017) #20171031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

岡本 智行,小堀 智史,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“フレネルレンズを用いたAIRRによる空中映像の拡大,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,1pD3 (2017) #20171101 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“2つの熱空中像における奥行き融合,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,1pD2 (2017) #20171101 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

水野 孝彦,長谷 栄治,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“スキャンレスデュアル光コム顕微鏡による共焦点位相差イメージングの高速化,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2017,2aA10 (2017) #20171102 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

河合 一樹,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“手の非接触撮影のためのAIRRによる空中ガイド照明光の形成,” 第7回バイオメトリクスと認識・認証シンポジウム,S4-24 (2017) #20171114 産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター,ポスター発表

藤井 賢吾,小貫 健太,河合 一樹,伊藤 秀征,山本 裕紹,“偏光変調を用いたAIRRにおける内部カメラを用いた空中像の接触検知,” 第7回バイオメトリクスと認識・認証シンポジウム,S4-21 (2017) #20171114 産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター,ポスター発表

阿部 絵理菜,小野瀬 翔,竹内 秀明,渡辺 英治,亀井 保博,山本 裕紹,“全周型空中ディスプレイに対するメダカ・ベタの行動、” 第7回宇都宮大学オプトバイオシンポジウム,(2017) #20171213 宇都宮大学,ポスター発表【最優秀ポスター賞】

下瀬 主揮,阿部 絵理菜,小堀 智史,山本裕紹,“多層LEDアレイの空中結像による空中ボリューメトリックディスプレイ,” レーザー学会学術講演会第38回年次大会講演予稿集,H124aIX03(2018)#20180124 京都市勧業館みやこめっせ,口頭発表

森田 渉吾,辻 明典,山本 裕紹,“高速LEDディスプレイを用いたシングルピクセルイメージング,” レーザー学会学術講演会第38回年次大会講演予稿集,H324pIX06(2018)#20180124 京都市勧業館みやこめっせ,口頭発表

伊藤 秀征,内田 景太朗,山本 裕紹,“再帰反射による空中結像(AIRR)により形成された空中ボタンに対するインタラクションによる押下感の提示,” 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 42,No.2,IDY2018-9(2018)発光型/非発光型ディスプレイ合同研究会,静岡大学浜松キャンパス,#20180125,口頭発表

久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“自身の背面の動きを遅延なく観測するための3次元空中表示システム,” 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 42,No.2,IDY2018-2(2018)発光型/非発光型ディスプレイ合同研究会,静岡大学浜松キャンパス,#20180125,口頭・ポスター発表

寺島 佳希,小堀 智史,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“再帰反射素子と複数の反射面を用いた空中結像(AIRR-MR),” 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 42,No.2,IDY2018-1(2018)発光型/非発光型ディスプレイ合同研究会,静岡大学浜松キャンパス,#20180125,口頭発表

阿部 絵理菜,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“円環画像を用いた全周型空中ディスプレイにおけるメダカの行動検証,”映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 42,No.2,IDY2018-10(2018)発光型/非発光型ディスプレイ合同研究会,静岡大学浜松キャンパス,#20180126,ポスター発表

森田 渉吾,藤井 賢吾,辻 明典,山本 裕紹,“シングルピクセルイメージング用の高速LEDディスプレイの開発,” LED総合フォーラム2018 in徳島 論文集,P-24 (2018) 徳島グランヴィリオホテル,#20180212,ポスター発表

黒川 菜緒,山本 裕紹,“AIRRによる空中ディスプレイにおけるhollow face 錯視,” 電気情報通信学会技術研究報告,HIP2017-94,那覇市IT創造館,#20180303,口頭発表

関 勇輔,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“空中に飛び出す鏡像を形成する光学系の提案,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第12関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P1-15 (2018) #20180306,慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス,ポスター発表

寺島 佳希,陶山 史朗,山本 裕紹,“2D表示面の上に形成された空中像によるDFD表示,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第12関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, O2-02 (2018) #20180306,慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス,口頭発表

阿部 絵理菜,小野瀬 翔,山本 裕紹,“全周型空中ディスプレイを用いた円筒水槽内部への空中結像,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-B201-18(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,口頭発表

伊藤 秀征,岡本 智行,久次米 亮介,竹田 幸弘,山本 裕紹,“熱と触覚のマルチモーダル空中ディスプレイ,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-B201-20(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,口頭発表

下瀬 主揮,阿部 絵里菜,山本 裕紹,“触れるボリューメトリック3D表示,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-B201-19(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,口頭発表

山際 将具,南川 丈夫,諸橋 功,関根 徳彦,寶迫 巌,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“モード操作光コムを用いたカスケードリンク型マルチ合成波長デジタル・ホログラフィの高速化(2)~高速スイッチング合成波長を用いた段差計測~,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-P2-6(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,ポスター発表

寺島 佳希,久次米 亮介,陶山 史朗,山本 裕紹,“AIRRによる空中飛び出しDFD表示,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-P2-13(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,ポスター発表

水野 孝彦,長谷 栄治,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“デュアル光コム顕微鏡によるスキャンレス蛍光イメージング,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-C303-14(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,口頭発表

藤井 賢吾,久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“AIRRを用いた近赤外線の収束による熱空中像の形成,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-P2-12(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,ポスター発表

久次米 亮介,山本 裕紹,“直交ミラーアレイの厚さ変化による光利用効率の向上,” 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-B201-21(2018)#20180319 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,口頭発表

藤井 賢吾,柿沼 遼太,伊藤 秀征,八杉 公基,山本裕紹,“再帰反射素子をスピーカーに用いたAIRRによるシースルー空中ディスプレイ,” 第12回新画像システム・情報フォトニクス研究討論会,A-6 (2018) #20180614 キャンパスイノベーションセンター,ポスター発表

八杉 公基,渡辺 英治,山本 裕紹,“メダカの認知行動実験への3DCGバーチャフィッシュの適用,” 第12回新画像システム・情報フォトニクス研究討論会,A-2 (2018) #20180614 キャンパスイノベーションセンター,ポスター発表

柿沼 遼太,河合 一樹,下瀬 主揮,山本 裕紹,“再帰反射による空中結像(AIRR)における空中像の点像広がりの測定,” 第19回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,p46 (2018) #20180910 那須オオシマフォーラム,ポスター発表

藤井 賢吾,下瀬 主揮,伊藤 秀征,河合 一樹,八杉 公基,中島 聖生,岩根 透,竹田 幸弘,山本 裕紹,“穴あき再帰反射材によるライトフィールド空中像の形成時のモアレの除去,” 第19回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,p47 (2018) #20180910 那須オオシマフォーラム,ポスター発表

水野 孝彦,長谷 栄治,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“デュアル光コム顕微鏡によるスキャンレス蛍光イメージング(2) ~520nm帯光コムによる蛍光イメージング~,” 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-438-11 (2018) #20180919 名古屋国際会議場,口頭発表

中野 祥汰,,南川 丈夫,長谷 栄治,浅原 彰文,水野 孝彦,山本 裕紹,美濃島 薫,安井 武史,“レーザー走査型共焦点光コム分光顕微鏡の開発,” 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19p-438-9 (2018) #20180919 名古屋国際会議場,口頭発表

山際 将具,南川 丈夫,諸橋 功,関根 徳彦,實迫 巌,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“モード操作光コムを用いたカスケードリンク型マルチ合成波長デジタル・ホログラフィの高速化(3)~高速スイッチング合成波長を用いた広ダイナミックレンジ形状計測~,” 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20p-431B-13 (2018) #20180920名古屋国際会議場,口頭発表

山際 将具,南川 丈夫,山本 裕紹,安井 武史,“位相シフトTHzデジタルホログラフィによる不透明物体の透過振幅/位相イメージング,” 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,21a-212A-3 (2018) #20180921 名古屋国際会議場,口頭発表

Masaki Yasugi, Kengo Fujii, Kazuki Shimose, Shusei Ito, Kazuki Kawai, Masao Nakajima, Toru Iwane, Yukihiro Takeda, and Hirotsugu Yamamoto, “Retro-reflector with bale-shaped holes removes the moiré fringes on the aerial light-field image formed in front of you, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,30aAJ6 (2018) #20181030 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

柿沼遼太,下瀬主揮,山本裕紹, “分割された再帰反射素子を用いたAIRRによる空中像の見かけのボケの低減, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,31aP11 (2018) #20181031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

寺島佳希,陶山史朗,山本裕紹, “空中像による飛び出しDFD表示の知覚される奥行きの測定, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,31aP12 (2018) #20181031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

藤井賢吾,下瀬主揮,八杉公基,岩根透,中島聖生,山本裕紹, “AIRRによるライトフィールド映像の空中投影, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,31aP10 (2018) #20181031 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

下瀬主揮,藤井賢吾,八杉公基,岩根透,中島聖生,山本裕紹, “ハーフミラーコーティング付きフレネルレンズを用いた空中ディスプレイ薄型化の可能性, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,1aC10 (2018) #20181101 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

時本豊太郎,藤井賢吾,森田渉吾,山本裕紹, “低密度なドット構成のLEDパネルに周辺画素情報をダイナミック表示することによる超解像度表示の可能性, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,1aD4 (2018) #20181101 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

阿部絵里菜,山本裕紹, “偏光変調を用いた全周型空中ディスプレイの輝度向上, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,2aP2 (2018) #20181102 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

伊藤秀征,内田景太朗,山本裕紹, “シースルー型空中セキュアディスプレイ, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,2aB1 (2018) #20181102 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,口頭発表

河合一樹,富永修一,山本裕紹, “円筒ミラーを用いた円筒表面のイメージング, ” Optics & Photonics Japan 2018,2aP7 (2018) #20181102 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,ポスター発表

黒川菜緒,八杉公基,山本裕紹, “AIRRによる空中Hollow face 錯視―首ふりドラゴンを用いた実物体と空中像における錯視効果の比較―, ” 映像情報メディア学会技術報告,42, No.43, HI2018-72 (2018) #20181215 東京工業大学田町キャンパス,口頭発表

時本豊太郎,藤井賢吾,森田渉吾,山本裕紹:LEDパネルの時空間符号化による超解像表示,LEDフォーラム2019 in徳島 論文集,P-33, #20190223, 徳島グランヴィリオホテル,ポスター発表

中野祥汰,南川丈夫,長谷栄治,浅原彰文,水野孝彦,山本裕紹,美濃島薫,安井武史,“レーザー走査型光コム分光顕微鏡による偏光計測,” 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,9p-W035-3,#20190309,口頭発表

福池悠人,南川丈夫,中野翔太,塩見涼介,長谷栄治,山本裕紹,安井武史,“空間/波長変換を用いたワンショット共焦点顕微鏡による生体組織観察への応用, ” 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,9p-W641-2,#20190309,口頭発表

柿沼遼太,山本裕紹,“パターン加工を行った再帰反射シートを用いたシースルー型空中表示, ”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,10a-PA1-4,#20190310,ポスター発表

山際将具,南川丈夫,諸橋功,山本裕紹,安井武史,“モード操作光コムを用いたカスケードリンク型マルチ合成波長デジタル・ホログラフィの高速化(4)~高精度形状計測~, “第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,10p-W331-14,#20190310,口頭発表

八杉公基,山本裕紹,“空中像を映像刺激として提示する動物実験用装置, ”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,10p-W331-9,#20190310,口頭発表

時本豊太郎,藤井賢吾,森田渉吾,山本裕紹,“高速LEDパネルを用いた主観的な超解像表示のメカニズムの検討―疑似固視微動関数による知覚画像の再構成―, ”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,11a-M114-4,#20190311,口頭発表

水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“デュアル光コム顕微鏡によるスキャンレス蛍光イメージング(3)~イメージングSNRの改善~,”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,11p-W935-4,#20190311,口頭発表

津田卓哉,水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“次元変換光コムを用いたスキャンレス・フルフィールド共焦点顕微鏡の開発(6)~ポスト光増幅によるイメージSN比の向上~, ”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,11p-W935-3,#20190311,口頭発表

藤井賢吾,山本裕紹,“透明球を組み合わせたAIRRにおける再帰反射素子の面積の削減,”第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集,11a-M114-3,#20190311,口頭発表

佐事郁弥,河合一樹,久次米亮介,山本裕紹,“手の非接触撮影のためのAIRRによる空中ガイド照明光の形成,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第13回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P24(2019) #20190319, ポスター発表

西村大輝,伊藤秀征,山本裕紹,“四角錘台ビームスプリッタ―の仕様による四面空中像,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第13回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P25(2019),#20190319, ポスター発表

松下孝二郎,森田渉吾,辻明典,山本裕紹,“アダマールパターンの高速LED表示と逆アダマール変換のFPGAによる実装,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第13回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P26(2019) #20190319, ポスター発表

千葉一成,黒川菜緒,山本裕紹,“合わせ鏡構造による水中多重結像,”情報フォトニクス研究会第13回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P39(2019),#20190319, ポスター発表

初見洲人,下瀬主輝,山本裕紹,“フレネルレンズの収差とAIRRによる空中凹面スクリーンの形成,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第13回関東学生研究論文講演会 講演予稿集, P40(2019),#20190319, ポスター発表

西村大輝,山本裕紹,“再帰反射スリットアレイを用いたLEDパネル上のデュアルビュー空中サイン,”第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,19a-E319-15, #20190919, 口頭発表

松下孝二郎,時本豊太郎,藤井賢吾,山本裕紹,“グレースケール画像に対する主観的超解像LED表示のFPGAによる実装,” 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA1-8, #20190920, ポスター発表

阿部絵里菜,山本裕紹,“プロジェクターの射出瞳の空中結像による全周型ディスプレイ,” 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA1-9, #20190920, ポスター発表

千葉一成,山本裕紹,“再帰反射による空中結像を用いた空中多重結像,”第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA1-10, #20190920, ポスター発表

佐事郁弥,河合一樹,久次米亮介,山本裕紹,“AIRRを用いた空中ガイド照明による手の静脈の非接触撮影,”第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA1-11, #20190920, ポスター発表

初見洲人,下瀬主揮,八杉公基,山本裕紹,“半反射コーティング付きフレネルレンズと偏光変調AIRRの組み合わせによる凹面空中像の形成,”第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA1-12, #20190920, ポスター発表

水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“デュアル光コム顕微鏡によるスキャンレス蛍光イメージング(4)~蛍光寿命イメージング応用~,” 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-E205-11(2019) #20190920, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス,口頭発表

中野祥汰,南川丈夫,長谷栄治,浅原彰文,水野孝彦,佐藤克也,山本裕紹,美濃島薫,安井武史,“レーザー走査型光コム分光顕微鏡による生体計測,” 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-PA4-12, (2019)#20190920, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス,ポスター発表

津田卓哉,水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“次元変換光コムを用いたスキャンレス・フルフィールド共焦点顕微鏡の開発(7)~ポスト光増幅イメージの特性評価~,” 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集,20a-E205-9, (2019)#20190920, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス,口頭発表

千葉一成,山本裕紹,“再帰反射による空中結像を用いた空中多重結像の輝度向上,” 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,P-11,#20190923, 月ヶ谷温泉月の宿(徳島県),ポスター発表

西村大輝,篠原正幸,山本裕紹,“AIRRとDS3Dディスプレイによる空中3Dディスプレイ,” 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,P-12,#20190923, 月ヶ谷温泉月の宿(徳島県),ポスター発表

藤井賢吾,柿沼遼太,八杉公基,山本裕紹,“AIRRによる空中表示を用いた視線一致型ビデオ通話システムの改良と試作,” 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,P-13,#20190923, 月ヶ谷温泉月の宿(徳島県),ポスター発表

佐事郁弥,河合一樹,山本裕紹,“静脈撮影のためのAIRRによる空中ガイド照明光の形成,” 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,P-14,#20190923, 月ヶ谷温泉月の宿(徳島県),ポスター発表

松下孝二郎,山本裕紹,“グレースケール画像に対する主観的超解像と周波数特性,” 第20回情報フォトニクス研究グループ研究会(秋合宿) 講演予稿集,P-15,#20190923, 月ヶ谷温泉月の宿(徳島県),ポスター発表

津田卓哉,水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“光ファイバー増幅器によるスキャンレス・デュアル光コム顕微鏡の画像増幅,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2019,2aF2 (2019) #20191202 大阪大学コンベンションセンター,口頭発表

藤井賢吾,柿沼遼太,山本裕紹,“シースルー型AIRRにおける偏光変調を用いた空中像の見やすさの向上,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2019,2pE2 (2019) #20191202 大阪大学コンベンションセンター,口頭発表

時実悠,山際将具,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“不透明物体の内部応力可視化に向けた位相シフトTHzデジタルホログラフィ計測,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2019,3pP30 (2019) #20191203 大阪大学コンベンションセンター,ポスター発表

山本裕紹,森田渉吾,小野瀬翔,辻明典,“シングルピクセルイメージングのデジタルサイネージへの応用,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2019,4aES6 (2019) #20191204 大阪大学コンベンションセンター【招待講演】

水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“デュアル光コムビートによる2次元周波数多重化照明を用いた蛍光寿命イメージング法の開発,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2019,5aB2 (2019) #20191205 大阪大学コンベンションセンター,口頭発表

阿部絵里菜,山本裕紹,“多面ビームスプリッターを用いたプロジェクターの射出瞳の空中結像による全周型ディスプレイ,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H07-22p-XII-02 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

柿沼遼太,川岸功和,山本裕紹,“AIRRにおけるマスクの異なる再帰反射シートを用いた空中像のボケの低減の比較,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H07-22p-XII-04 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

関勇輔,山本裕紹,“シースルー型空中ディスプレイにおける空中映像の観察領域の設計,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H-22-P-01 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,ポスター発表

佐事郁弥,河合一樹,山本裕紹,“非接触での静脈撮影のためのAIRRを用いた「握る」空中ガイド照明,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,X01-22a-XI-02 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

寺島佳希,陶山史朗,山本裕紹,“フラットパネルディスプレイ上に表示した空中像による3Dディスプレイ,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H06-22a-XII-03 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

松下孝二郎,山本裕紹,“主観的超解像LED表示のサブフレーム表示順序による超解像効果の比較,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H02-21a-XII-04 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

西村大輝,山本裕紹,“再帰反射スリットアレイを用いた2面空中サイン表示,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H07-22p-XII-03 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

千葉一成,山本裕紹,“合わせ鏡構造による水中多重結像の輝度向上, ” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,X01-22a-XI-03 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

長谷栄治,南川丈夫,宮本周治,山本裕紹,安井武史,“ワンショット・フルフィールド共焦点顕微鏡を用いた植物モニタリング,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,X03-22p-XI-03 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

八杉公基,山本裕紹,“複数の視点に対して異なる内容を提示可能な空中ディスプレイの開発,” レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,H07-22p-XII-05 (2020) #20200122 仙台国際センター,口頭発表

松下孝二郎,時本豊太郎,山本裕紹,“LEDパネルの見かけの解像度を向上させる主観的超解像表示の8色マルチカラー化,” LED総合フォーラム 2020 in 徳島,P-30 (2020) #20200229 徳島グランヴィリオホテル,ポスター発表

井上皓介,西村大輝,中謙一郎,竹田幸弘,山本裕紹,“スリットアレイを用いた空中ディスプレイの薄型化,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P2-01 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

永禮翔太郎,松下孝二郎,辻明典,時本豊太郎,山本裕紹,“近傍画素情報をスキャンで表示する主観的超解像LED表示における走査方向の比較,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P1-09 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

工藤大樹,阿部絵里菜,山本裕紹,“全周水中スクリーンに対するメダカの視運動反応,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P1-10 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

渡辺祐斗,左事郁弥,藤井賢吾,山本裕紹,“非接触静脈撮影のための空中ヒーターとAIRRを組み合わせた空中ガイド照明,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P2-03 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

粕谷里奈,八杉公基,松尾恵,深町昌司,山本裕紹,“偏光符号化がなされた光刺激を水中生物に提示するディスプレイ,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P2-02 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

木村明穂,寺島佳希,山本裕紹,“鏡面上の空中結像によるトレーシングガイド,” 情報フォトニクス研究会第14回関東学生研究論文講演会講演予稿集,P2-04 (2020) #20200306,電気通信大学,ポスター発表

藤井賢吾,山本裕紹,“ハニカム構造を用いた空中ヒーター形成の可能性,” 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13p-B415-14 (2020) #20200313,ポスター発表

佐事郁弥,山本裕紹,“静脈撮影のためのAIRRによる空中ガイド照明の視野角の設計,” 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13p-B415-9 (2020) #20200313,ポスター発表

西村大輝,八杉公基,山本裕紹,“穴あき再帰反射材を用いたLEDパネル前面での空中結像,” 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13p-B415-11 (2020) #20200313,ポスター発表

松下孝二郎,時本豊太郎,山本裕紹,“主観的超解像LEDディスプレイの空中表示,” 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13p-B415-12 (2020) #20200313,ポスター発表

津田卓哉,水野孝彦,長谷栄治,南川丈夫,山本裕紹,安井武史,“次元変換光コムを用いたスキャンレス・フルフィールド共焦点顕微鏡の開発(8)~共焦点/位相接続による深さダイナミックレンジの拡大~,” 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,14a-B409-9 (2020) #20200314,口頭発表

佐事郁弥,八杉公基,山本裕紹,“AIRRを用いた静脈撮影のための空中ガイド照明の位置誘導の精度比較,” 3次元画像コンファレンス,7-3(2020), #20200709,口頭発表(オンライン)

千葉一成,八杉公基,山本裕紹,“合わせ鏡光学系と斜め配置の再帰反射素子を用いた空中多重結像,” 3次元画像コンファレンス,9-2(2020), #20200710,口頭発表(オンライン)

西村大輝,篠原正幸,山本裕紹,“AIRRとDS3Dディスプレイを用いた空中サイネージ,” 3次元画像コンファレンス,9-4(2020), #20200710,口頭発表(オンライン)


山本裕紹:最先端高出力LED 応用事例集,株式会社技術情報協会,ISBN978-4861041525,2007.担当部分:第4 章第4 節「フルカラーLED パネルを用いた立体ディスプレイ」

西田信夫, 山本裕紹, 早崎芳夫:最先端照明・光源技術全集,株式会社技術情報協会,ISBN978-4861042126,2008.
担当部分:第3 章第10 節「フルカラーLED パネルを用いた立体ディスプレイ」

西田信夫, 山本裕紹, 早崎芳夫,:立体視テクノロジー,株式会社エヌ· ティー· エス,ISBN 978-4860431556,2008
担当部分:第2 編第2 章「パララックスバリア方式の表示原理と最新研究開発」

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Yoshio Hayasaki, Nobuo Nishida: Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display (B. Javidi, F. Okano, and J. Son, ed.), Springer, ISBN978-0387793344, 2009.

Yusuke Ogura, Takahiro Nishimura, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Kenji Yamada, and Jun Tanida: Nanophotonic Information Physics (M. Naruse, ed., Springer, ISBN978-3-642-40224-1, 2014
担当部分:Chapter 4「 Photonics DNA Nano-Processor: A Photonics-Based Approach to Molecular Processing Mediated by DNA」

担当部分:巻頭言,第Ⅰ編総論 第3章「空中ディスプレイの開発動向」,第Ⅱ編要素技術 第7章「空中ヒーター」,第Ⅲ編デバイス・システム 第2章「再帰反射による空中結像AIRR(aerial imaging by retro-reflection)」

担当部分:第4章 VR/AR用表示技術 第1節「再帰反射による空中結像(AIRR)による空中ディスプレイとその自由空間インターフェース応用」,第3節「大型・遠距離観察用DFD(Depth-fused 3D) 表示技術」

Hirotsugu Yamamoto, International Electrotechnical Commission, “3D display devices Part 51-1: Generic introduction of aerial display,” IEC TR 62629-51-1 (2020).

山本裕紹,巻頭言 “タイトル,” 光学 7月号 (2020)